Wings of Discovery by Capt. Stacey Chance
The same pilot who has the free online course also wrote a book that is pretty helpful. It's a fictional story of someone faces his fear of flying and beats it. He wants to learn to fly ultralights and his experiences with it as he gets instruction from a former airline mechanic and private pilot. A good story with helpful tidbits throughout that explain maintenance schedules of commercial planes, the ins and outs of backup systems, and basic flying tips. Many questions that fearful flyers have are answered throughout this entertaining read. There are bits of humor. Overall I felt it really relaxed my mind whenever I thought about flying... I'm always so stressed out initially just thinking about flying but this book lets you have fun with it. Not a cold-hard-facts type of book. Very non technical, told in basic English.

Fly Without Fear: Guided Meditations for a Relaxing Flight (Audio CD) by Krs Edstrom
This is an audio CD with over 70 minutes of step by step guidance broken into ten sections: Dress Rehearsal, Soothing Meditation for Boarding & Waiting, Fearless Take-Off, In-Flight Relaxation Vacation, Tension-Release Meditation, Breath Awareness Meditation, Mindfulness Meditation, Relaxing Visualization, Loving Kindness Meditation, Smooth Landing Meditation. It covers the entire process of flying from the preflight nerves happening before boarding all the way to a smooth landing. Several people swear by the relaxing and informative nature of this CD.

Flying Without Fear by Duane Brown
I love this book. For anyone looking for more technical information, more along the lines of the hardcore facts and figures, this book really helps. It really helps those of us who are white knuckle flyers. The books details the hardcore information in question/answer format so it's easy to find the specific information you want. Topics include: The Airline Industry, Pilots and Training, Personnel Other Than Pilots, Questions about Pilots, Aerodynamics, Flight Planning and the Flight Itself, Weather, Turbulence, Terrorism and Bombs, and Miscellaneous Questions. Did you know the death rate risk per flight is one in eleven million and that air travel is 20 times safer than by car? True. A truly wonderful book for those who have a fear of flying.
Books to help with panic attacks and stress management
Cure Panic Attacks - The Panic Away method was developed by Joe Barry in 2001 after he discovered what he describes as 'the ultimate drug free solution to stopping panic attacks.' He was into his second year of a debilitating panic disorder when he discovered a powerful technique that stopped panic attacks in their tracks. He has since named the technique the One Move technique. Over 4000 people have used Joe Barry's techniques and had success!
Conquering Stress - From the author: I beat my anxiety-induced depression and I did it WITHOUT TAKING powerful, expensive antidepressants. Not only did I beat it, I’ve helped thousands of people around the world do the same! And today, I can help you kick this horrible thing out your life once and for all using my proven natural method. No drugs, no potions, no ECT and no incantations.